Society for the Promotion of the Egyptian Museum Berlin


  • Foto: Uschebtis
  • Foto: Uschebtikasten
  • Foto: Porträt
  • Foto: Modell
  • Foto: Holzstele
  • Foto: Menat
  • Foto: Thron
  • Foto: Aegis
  • Foto: Skulptur
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Room 0.10: Afterworld - Tomb ensembles

In all periods of ancient Egyptian history the dead were laid to rest with grave goods these included food, vessels, implements, weapons, jewellery, statues of the deceased and ushabti (answerers) who were to perform any duties which would be expected . Mummification was the customary practice from the Third Dynasty (2705-2640 BC) The internal organs were placed in four vessels (canopic jars). The sarcophagi prevalent in the early dynasties were later superseded by the human-shaped coffins until the box form became popular again in Greek and Roman times. In Roman times wooden boards bearing the features of the deceased (mummy portraits) were placed on the mummies for identification.

Room 0.11: Afterworld and the realm of the gods

The human-shaped (anthropomorphic) coffins are schematic representations of the deceased. The inscriptions on the coffins refer to their owner as transfigured beings. He has passed the examination by the judge of the underworld and may continue to live in the realm of Osiris. Various symbolic figures, such as the four sons of Horus depicted with the heads of a baboon, jackal, falcon and human, shielded the body from evil forces. The winged scarab symbolises the regeneration of the sun-god and therefore the rebirth of man in the afterworld.
Ancient Egyptian religion expressed its experience of the existence of God in many names and images.Human form, animal form, holy objects and cosmic symbols are equally appropriate as images of God. The allocation of the gods to their main places of worship is an attempt to classify the forms and names of the divinities and at the same time to visualize the confusing multitude of forms and numbers.


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